Journal of Child and Youth Cultures

Tidsskrift for børne- og ungdomskultur / Journal of Child and Youth Cultures has its roots in BUKSBørne-og Ungdoms Kultur Sammenslutningen – a Danish network for Child and Youth Cultures founded back in the 1980s and the editorial background for all volumes. 

The journal has now been transformed into an open access, online-only journal. The aim is as it always has been: to be a forum for the study of and research in aesthetics of child and youth cultures, that is cultures for, with and by children and young people. 

Submitted articles may be written in English, Danish, Norwegian or Swedish, and we offer peer review processes for those authors, who may wish for it. The articles may focus on and discuss children’s use of analogue and digital media, of music, theatre and literature etc., on verbal and visual expressions of art, and views on art, but also on pedagogical items related to institutions such as day care and schools.

Last but not least they often focus on children’s own culture, their play culture. The journal aims to develop cross-disciplinary theories, concepts, and discussions on these subjects, and to present analytic and empirical articles on interesting projects carried out by actors in the field.